Atlanta by Night

Atlanta, The Capital of the southeast… a city that sprouted up where the railroad ended, only to be burned to the ground “when brother was against brother” 30 years later. It rose once more from the ashes into a city of the future, with strong ties to the past… a place that dubs itself “the city not too busy to care” the home of Coca-cola, and the Braves… but that’s the history of the Kine, and though most don’t know it… they are not alone. Mixed amongst the Sheep are wolves. Heirs to an ancient curse, the dead that sustain themselves on the blood of the living.

Originally Atlanta was home to the Camarilla, as blue blood flowed from the Old Country to the New World and created an empire of sweeping plantations. But they found themselves Usurped by the Anarchs who, along with Kine of the North, reduced the city and their elders to Ash with the fires of war. The Free Dead long held the city, but in 2001 while the kine watched their towers fall… the Kindred turned their eyes to the night sky. A red star appeared, Wormwood… the sign of Gehenna. As if to confirm the portent of this baleful eye… the Duskborn, the “thin bloods” began to appear… Vampires in whom the blood of Caine has run so thin, they are almost human. Elders around the world heard the call known as “the Beckoning”. They laid down their tools, and abandoned the empires they had cultivated over the course of centuries. They flocked to the Middle East, answering the silent call of their ancient blood.

The Sabbat were whipped into a frenzy, howling at the moon and decrying these were the Final Nights, that the ancients were stirring and would soon awaken to devour their children...and drink the world dry. With reckless abandon they sired hordes of undead and waged their war against the Camarilla and Anarchs, whom they deem to be the “unwitting puppets of their grandsires”. The Anarchs of Atlanta were being overrun… and it seemed as if The Sword of Caine would take control of the city. But… the eye of the kine had been opened, their Governments had created new organizations, new tools, and new weapons to fight their war on Terror… but the probing eye of the Deep state found not only jihadists… but also that the living dead was feeding upon their world like and unseen leech. The Second Inquisition had begun...and the Children of Adam raised a righteous sword to the descendents of Caine.

The Anarchs and Sabbat were decimated in Atlanta by the Hunters… Neither side dared to crawl out of their havens to continue their conflict. That’s when the Camarilla made their move and once again the Ivory tower rose to power, rushing in to fill the vacuum. The Sabbat were in full retreat now. The Anarchs waged a bloody, but short lived resistance...ultimately accepting the olive branch extended to them by the Camarilla rather than facing total annihilation. A tense truce exists, and Camarilla leadership has caused a hush to fall over the city, as all parties hold their breath in anticipation of what will come next.

In the stillness of the eye of this storm walk four souls, blissfully unaware of the true nature of the World of Darkness they call home… The Seer, the Scholar, the Soldier, and the Wanderer have passed from the lives they once knew, and have been embraced into the Danse Macabre of unlife. This is their story, this is:

Atlanta by Night